5 Ways to manage the juggle and feel calm and in control

I can assure you that you're not the only Mum that is finding it hard. It's a lot!​

This free guide will help you work out how to manage the juggle and stop feeling so anxious and overwhelmed.
So you can start enjoying motherhood more and be confident that you can show up as the happy Mum you want be. Hooray!
When you download this guide you'll also receive weekly emails full of coaching and lifestyle tips.

I didn't find it easy being a stay at home Mum. After fertility struggles I expected life to be amazing. I was finally a Mum!

My daughter was full of fun and life but I felt so split. At times I was anxious that I wasn't doing a good enough job (Oh the Mum guilt!). But at other times I felt this niggling feeling to get back to all I was doing before.

​I realised I needed more connection with other adults, particularly other women. I wanted to make a difference by helping woman that felt like I did. So I became a life coach and now I get to help other woman enjoy life and motherhood as much as I do now!