Rachel: My personal journey after having my child

Rachel: My personal journey after having my child

March 29, 20234 min read

"I was being unkind to myself and putting a lot of pressure on myself,

I remembered a time in work before maternity leave and I was so confident and so excited about the next stage. Childbirth didn't go the way I expected and then motherhood really knocked my confidence."

I interviewed my client Rachel over on Instagram about how coaching has helped her get her confidence back after becoming a Mum to her son Alex.

In our chat, we covered:

  • How important it is that women support women in motherhood

  • How Rachel was helped and supported in her breastfeeding journey with Mama’s Milk ®, her local NHS and other local mothers

  • How by working through my Free Your Mind coaching course Rachel gained more confidence as a working mother

  • How Rachel now uses journaling and gratitude diaries as a tool to support her and how they help you celebrate your motherhood journey more

You joined my GYLBBB challenge to take time out for yourself. Tell us why you decided to join the challenge.

I saw your post about Mum Guilt and ridding yourself of your inner mean mamma. I penned a name for her recently - Miss Meanie- and she was very prevalent for me back then. I'd just gone back to work from maternity leave and I wanted to be kinder to myself and take a pause in my day to stop me spiralling.

What did you leave the GYLBBB challenge with?

I had some tools to use to keep me going. Some things to think about and some ways to do things differently to support me more.

Why did you then decide to join my Free Your Mind coaching course?

I was being unkind to myself and putting a lot of pressure on myself,

I remembered a time in work before maternity leave and I was so confident and so excited about the next stage. Childbirth didn't go the way I expected and then motherhood really knocked my confidence. I wanted to feel more confident again and capable in my job and other areas of my life. I was talking to my manager at the time and they were surprised at how I was feeling. I read what the course was about and I knew that was the tool I needed to get back to that feeling of confidence in myself again.

It was a lightbulb moment when we talked about the confidence I had in myself with breastfeeding and how I could apply that to other areas of my life. I then became even more confident and proud of it and I'm so grateful to have all the support from the coaching course and all the breastfeeding support locally and online to help me get over the challenges. I'm still breastfeeding 3 years later.

I realised I said yes to a lot which I didn't need to. I can say No more now I've put boundaries in place. I know what's going to be too stressful and not to put myself through too much now.

Tell us how you keep using the tools you've learnt from the challenge and the course

I still do the journalling when I feel I'm spiralling. That definitely helps getting things down on paper. And I do daily gratitude as I have a reminder on my phone and I note it down and it helps me to read over that when I'm having a bad day. I take more time for myself and I have food prep Sundays and other ways of organising life so that I can enjoy the day knowing dinner is prepared.

And now where has this lightbulb taken you?

I know my boundaries and I can decide when to stay firm and when to flex them because I want to do something. I'm doing 40 things before I'm 40 and I signed up for self love photography and I saw it and I was confident to do it and it was fun to do it and I love the photos and now I have the photo on my lock screen.

Rebecca’s coaching and support has allowed me to feel more confident in my work abilities and in knowing I can get better at communicating at home too. In 6 weeks I have had a definite shift and feel my confidence flourishing.

To watch the full interview, head over to my Instagram account:

"I was being unkind to myself and putting a lot of pressure on myself,I remembered a time in work before maternity leave and I was so confident and so excited about the next stage. Childbirth didn't go the way I expected and then motherhood really knocked my confidence."I interviewed my client Rachel over on Instagram about how coaching has helped her get her confidence back after becoming a Mum to her son Alex. In our chat, we covered: • How important it is that women support women in motherhoo

You can follow Rachel at @rmlrealmammalife

To find out how coaching can help you download my free guide:

Master Your Mum Mojo, 6 Steps to Find Your Me and Feel Good in Motherhood

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