The Secret to making your Me-Time happen
I ran a 3 day challenge back in May this year to help busy Mums,
"Get their life back but better post lockdown."
The idea was to start waking up excited each day rather than worrying about how to get through the day ahead.
On day 2 of the challenge the Mums realised how powerful your "Why" is.
Often Mum's think "I'm so busy!", "There's so much to do." and they just start ploughing on trying to get all the things done.
All the Mum's wanted to feel happier and more excited for the day ahead but they hadn't taken the time to think about how to actually achieve it!
What they learnt on the challenge was that the key to success is to feel really motivated to look after yourself as well as your family.
The secret lies in the answer to this question:
"What difference would it make to your children's and your partners lives if you were to feel more positive each day?"
So ask yourself that exact same question today!
How would your whole family benefit from you being the calm, fun, happy Mum rather than a rushing, busy, no time for cuddles or jokes and worst still grumpy, shouty Mum?
The way you show up as the best Mum you can be is my taking some time for yourself to feel great. To look after your physical and emotional health and to feel good about yourself inside and out.
Ask yourself - How do I get to do something for myself too today, so that I can be the best Mum and partner I can be?
This was the realisation and the turning point for all the Mums that took part in the challenge.
We owe it to ourselves and our children to take time for ourselves to do the things we love which bring us joy so that we can shine bright each and every day as a warm, kind and caring Mum and partner.
Are you feeling more motivated to make time for yourself now?
I hope so! Get started now by spending a few minutes thinking about what you need to do to feel more calm and positive in life. If you need some help to get started I recommend my blog on habits which gives you lots of tips and ideas. You can find it here
Watch out for your thoughts and feelings that hold you back
Our mindset can make it difficult for us to do the things we want to do sometimes. The beliefs we have around our ability to do the thing easily, successfully or at all and/or whether they feel they should be taking that time for themselves or not can crop up. Here's some of the thoughts that can crop up for us:
Self doubt - You can get self confident instead. "I probably won't be able to complete that run" becomes "I'm going to give that run my best shot. I'm sure I can do it."
Mum guilt - You can become more logical in our thoughts and at ease with our decisions. "I feel so bad leaving the kids and their Dad alone so I can go out" becomes "They're going to get on just fine without me and I'll have family time with them later in the week"
Overwhelm - You can get more resilient and able to take a step back and put routines and habits in place. "I just can't do it all" becomes "I just need to take a step back and work out what to do first. I'll go for a relaxing walk, work out what's most important and tackle it when I'm back and feeling calmer."
Note any you experience down in your phone or in your diary as you go through the day so you can become more aware of them. Or take some time in the evening to reflect on them if that's easier.
Once you're more self aware you can start to work on reframing those thoughts to more positive ones that empower you to take that time for you.
If you need more help to do this
Join Be Me and Mum my Facebook group for lots of help and advice and live chats on Wednesdays at midday.
Or get in touch and have a chat about my coaching programmes to get you all sorted and set up in as little as 6 weeks.
Wishing you a wonderful week,