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How Coaching has helped Sarah - Her Story

When I first found Rebecca I was really curious. I'd heard of coaching before, but I didn't feel at the right stage in my career or life for it to be relevant. How wrong I was!

I joined a Mama Cocoon taster session and came out of it feeling so calm, relaxed, and knowing I needed to do more things like that to nurture me and help me focus more on myself after the first few crazy years of motherhood.

I became a member of the regular Mama Cocoon catch ups online which transitioned into the Dream and Do community.

I booked myself in for a Clarity Call and I've attended both an in-person Vision Board workshop and in-person Autumn Workshop too.

Before each session I'm excited, curious and hopeful about what I'll discover and what it might lead to.

Working with Rebecca led me to work on my relationship with myself and others. It's given me clarity on what I want from life and my career, and what I hope for the future.

I've also felt ready to start a course I'm hugely passionate about that I've been putting off for years and I'm so glad I did as I'm really enjoying it.

What attracted me and resonated with me most was Rebecca's work with mothers - working with her feels very accessible and incredibly relevant.

I wasn't sure quite what I was looking for when I first found Rebecca but she came at just the right time and has helped me to envision a really exciting future. I've gained clarity and hope in what was a fairly foggy time!

If you'd like to chat to Rebecca about which of her workshops and courses could help you please do reach out:

Book a complimentary call here

Or Chat via an Instagram DM @rebeccahogancoach

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