Life is so Busy!
It can feel a lot sometimes!

You're often busy juggling!

Trying to find the balance between family, life, house work, all the to do's,

plus paid work too, is really difficult. It's easy to feel overwhelmed with the

mental load and like there's no time for you!

​But it's super important to know what you need to Feel ALIVE so you can enjoy

life to the max and so your loved ones gets the best of you too.

Book a Clarity Call.

It's a 60 minute coaching session to take you through each area of your life so

you can take stock of how you're feeling right now, what is great in your life and

what needs some help to be great again.

Currently Only £55

Work out how to get your Zest for life back,

I'll help you uncover which areas of life you are finding most difficult right now, why and what you need to focus on so you can start to

feel like you're Rocking Life and are able to take time out for you too.

You'll leave the call knowing:

  • What you need to do to feel life is more balanced,

  • What you can do to feel happier, more at ease and in control of life.

  • Know how to feel more present, enjoy life now and feel excited for your future too

  • How you feel in life as a whole right now

  • How each area of your life is feeling and if anything has changed

  • How happy, content and fulfilled you are in each area of your life

  • Which areas need more attention and which need less to feel your best

  • What you need to focus on to feel more organised, in balance, have a sense of control and feel confident and have a zest for life again

  • What needs addressing so you can feel happier in yourself, fulfil your full potential and feel more bonded and connected with your loved ones

  • How to go about making time for you, your interests and your friends

Let me help you get your sparkle back!

Clarity is key

Only once you know what's working, what isn't

AND what you really want in life, can you make it happen.

Rebecca Hogan

This 60 minute coaching call is a great way to start:

  • Finding your own unique way to feel happy, confident and at ease that all is well in life

  • Using your time and energy in a way that makes you feel most fulfilled and successful

  • Working through how to feel in control of the juggle and able to make time for yourself again

  • Making sure you know how to feel more present and connected with your loved ones

I know how it feels when life gets too much!

To feel so bogged down by all the responsibilities you have that it's hard to see or feel the joy!​

I felt this way when I became a Mum but I was determined not to go through life feeling sad, grumpy and resentful. I wanted to learn how to enjoy life more. I discovered coaching and decided to become a life coach myself.​

It opened up a whole new way of seeing the world and myself and it's such a passion and a privilege to share my knowledge with other women now. So they can find their own way to enjoy life more and to feel as happy, fulfilled and successful as I do now!

It's important to take notice when you've not been feeling your best as there's lots you can do to get your zest for life back.​

Here's how we go about this in a 60 minute clarity coaching call.

How You Feel

You start by getting really clear on how you're feeling in life right now.​

After a quick relaxation exercise I ask you questions which get you to focus on and be completely honest about how you're feeling.​

You can tell me the good, the bad and the ugly in complete confidence as I'm here to listen, empathise and help you find a way forward to feel your super happy and best sparkly self.​

You'll spend time celebrating all that is good and great in your life right now and how to start feeling super positive and grateful about your life each and every day.

Seven areas of focus

Next you think about the seven areas of life: physical, hormonal, emotional, social, cultural, economic and spiritual.

It's called a wheel exercise. It helps you reflect on how satisfied or dissatisfied you currently are in each of these seven areas.​

We talk through the things you aren't happy with so you can get really clear on where you need to make some changes or shift your perspectives in order to feel happier in that part of your life and your life as a whole.

​I ask you to decide how important each area is to improve in order for you to take the action that will make you feel high vibe, happy with yourself and more bonded with your loved ones.

Outcome of the call & next steps

Once you're clear on how you're feeling and which areas of your life need attention I help you decide what you want to change or do differently and how to learn to accept some of the tricky inevitable parts of life too.​

You leave the call with one or two goals, a list of To Do's and/or things to think about so you can move forward to start feeling super sparkly and amazing.​

Sound good? Click the button below to get booked in.

This 60 minute clarity call is right for you if you're feeling the:

  • Loss of your old, happy, fun self​

  • Responsibility of life is getting you down

  • Daily decision making and juggling is draining you

  • Lack of me-time is making you feel resentful

  • Tiredness and irritability is damaging your relationships

It's not right for you if you're:

  • Completely happy with your current life

  • Your lifestyle feels perfectly balanced

  • Confident decision making means life feels easy

  • You are taking plenty of time out for you

  • You have positive thoughts and a healthy mindset

  • You feel calm, fun and happy each day

Frequently Asked Questions

Clarity Call

When are these calls available?

Monday or Tuesday evenings, Saturday mornings or in school hours in term time.

A 60 minute one to one clarity call just you and me to work through clarity coaching and wheel of life coaching exercises​.​

Currently Only £55​

© 2023 Rebecca Hogan Coaching