Bring You and Your Dreams ALIVE!

Women need Connection. We feel Better Together!

Likeminded Women Lift each other Up! We Inspire, Motivate and egg each other on.

Feeling Heard and Supported gives us Confidence to move forward with our Hopes and Dreams.

And we make progress more quickly by sharing ideas too.​

Women need Passions and Purpose. We need to feel ALIVE!

It’s wonderful to Wake Up and Feel Excited for the day ahead. Exploring our Hopes, Dreams and Ideas in conversation with women in our community is so Empowering and Heartwarming.​

Women need to feel Fulfilled and Proud of ourselves

To realise our Worth, be true to our Values and be a part of something that is bigger than ourselves by encouraging each other to Live a Life we Love.​

The Dream & Do Community will help you Realise all of this and more.

You're Invited! Join Us!

The best way to predict your future is to

• Monthly online Check in with your community of like-minded women - Give yourself the time in your diary to check in on how you're feeling about your life right now. Be supported to live more in line with the seasons of the year and the stage of life you're in right now.

Be guided to set your intentions and move closer towards achieving your goals and dreams too. You'll be inspired and encouraged via the hive mind which is invaluable for knowing you're not alone, learning more productive ways of doing things and for coming up with new ideas that make life feel more fun and easy too!

And we love to celebrate our success and how far we've come as well.

• Access the membership portal to get lots of practical advice, tools, techniques, coaching exercises and lifestyle inspiration for each season of the year to help you bring your dream life to reality with joy and ease.

Visit the FB group for ongoing accountability, support and encouragement plus regular inspirational posts of tips and prompts for are shared by Rebecca, your Coach, plus all the other women in the Community.

Be the first to know: In person Seasonal Workshops to gain dedicated time and space in your diary to refine and refresh your plans. With refreshments and resources too!

I've always been keen to make changes to my lifestyle to ensure I'm enjoying it as much as I can.​

Since I became a life coach I've got much better at looking ahead and making time to think about what I really want and need to be the happiest version of me.​

And that has included creating and using a Vision Board. It's such a fab tool to keep you focused on what you want and need to thrive in life. It helps me to make the best use of my valuable time and energy.

I'd love to help you to harness the power of Vision Boarding, Planning tools and techniques and Mindset Coaching to ensure you can enjoy Life right now and bring your Dream life to Reality with ease.

​​The Dream & Do community is a wonderful group of Likeminded women within which you can feel supported and inspired and also take advantage of group coaching to help you curate your own Future Dream Life and start living a life you're super proud of.​

If you're ready to make your Dream Life a Reality please do sign up using one of the links below or book in for a zoom or in person chat here.

Here's what you get when you Join Dream & Do

Monthly Zoom Call - First Wednesday of the month at 1pm

We meet once a month on Zoom to Celebrate your Successes and Set your Goals and Intentions for the coming month. You're invited to chat through anything you need help with or an opinion or some feedback on in order to succeed over the coming month.​ I'll share a quote and some prompts to encourage you to think about the month ahead and we'll all leave with a useful take away plus the feel good factor from having had a great conversation,

It's an all female group call so you'll feel the support and solidarity we share as we navigate the highs and lows we go all go through. By hearing how everyone else is doing, what they're enjoying doing and what they're learning you get to learn from that too.

Online Portal

The Dream & Do online portal includes practical tools and techniques around time management and effectiveness plus workbooks including topics such as, how to have a growth mindset, setting goals and intentions in line with the seasons of the year and the season of live you're in right now too.

Each month a new topic is added to help you manage the juggle and manage your mindset so you can easily and effectively bring your dreams to life.​

The group coaching calls help you apply the tools and techniques to your life so that nothing gets in the way of you bringing your dream life alive.

Dream & Do Community Facebook Group

Joining the Community gives you access to the Facebook group.

You'll receive regular inspirational posts of tips and prompts shared by Rebecca, your Coach.

It's a really great way to connect with everyone to ensure you feel Excited, Motivated and Inspired. It'll give you the support, camaraderie and accountability you need to keep you on track and make your dreams a reality. It's your place to chat, connect and ask for help in between the monthly zoom calls.

Ethos of the Dream & Do Community

It's all about Dreaming Big, Achieving Goals and Feeling Fulfilled whilst also looking after your Physical, Mental and Emotional Health and Wellbeing. There's no hustle culture here!

Click the button below to join us!

2024 Program for Dream & Do Online Portal

Each month you'll be Empowered with new Tools, Techniques and Ideas to help you bring your Dreams Alive:

• January - How I want to Feel Goals and Intentions setting exercise

• February - Time Management & Effectiveness Tools and Techniques to manage the juggle of life

• March - Setting Intentions for Spring, recognising and aligning with the energies of the new season

• April - Growth mindset and spotting limiting beliefs such as procrastination, perfectionism

• May - Creating powerful unique to you Affirmations & Mantras to use everyday.

• June - working with end in mind. Getting what you need to get done before summer

• July - How to manage the summer hols. What to focus on and what to let go of.

• August - How and when to carve time out for you. Plus a meditation relaxation.

•September - Rest & Refresh, set new autumn intentions, routines & rituals

•October - Happy healthy habits and routines.

•November - Last push & preparing for a calm xmas, enjoying the season, seeing joy, creating space, balance & boundaries.

• December - Connecting to yourself and reviewing the year

Discussing the topics together as a collective enables us to learn from each others individual and unique thoughts and experiences.

For additional Coaching support check out Free To Be Me

Free To Be Me is my Deep Dive hybrid coaching program which includes access to the Dream & Do Community too.

Free to Be Me includes an 8 module online coaching program and 3x Zoom or In Person One to One confidential meetings to help you:

• Find yourself again amongst all the changes that take place in life, particularly at each stage of motherhood.

Identify Your Values and your priorities so you can make every day choices and big decisions with confidence and ease

• Discover your own personalised plan and toolkit of Happy, Healthy Productivity Habits and Rituals & Routines to support your Physical, Mental and Emotional Wellbeing

• Develop a strong belief and trust in yourself so you feel fully empowered to go after your dream life, and set goals for your future and intentions for how you live your day to day life with confidence.

• Understand your triggers and communication style and your loved ones too so you can feel fully present, closer, well connected and harmonious in your relationships

And so much more!

You'll feel fully ALIVE & Proud of yourself for living a Life You LOVE! ​

Click here to find out more about Free to Be Me

All monthly payments for the Dream & Do Community and the Collective are set up on a subscription basis which allows you to stay as long as you wish with a cancel anytime policy.

Sign up by Clicking the button below

6 ways to Master your Mum Mojo

Motherhood can feel overwhelming and all too much.

Let me help you enjoy it more!

The Dream & Do Community is right for you if you're feeling the:

Need to feel more Balanced, Fulfilled & On top of life

✔ Curious to work out how to manage the Juggle and do what you want/need to do for you too

✔ Want some inspiration & motivation to move you forwards so you can start living a life you love

It's not right for you if you:

Don't think your life can be improved

✔ You're not worried about where your life is heading

✔ Your lifestyle is perfectly balanced

✔ You feel happy, confident & fulfilled in life

"Success is Liking Yourself, Liking what you do, and Liking how you do it"

~Maya Angelou

Book a free call with me

I'd love to offer you a friendly call to chat about which level of the Dream & Do Collective is right for you. Or whether one of my Workshops or Courses is more suitable.​

Click the button below to book your complimentary call

© 2023 Rebecca Hogan Coaching