How to get over your working Mum Guilt

Here’s my Top Tips on how to ditch the working Mum guilt so you can enjoy the summer with your children. ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

July 11, 20244 min read

How to get over your working Mum Guilt

What is Genuine Self Care and how do you fit it in!

Life is so busy! It's easy to find you and the things you love to do have gone to the bottom of your To Do list. In fact it's super common for Mums to find they've fallen off their lists entirely!It's... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

March 22, 20246 min read

What is Genuine Self Care and how do you fit it in!

Natalie shares how she's gained so much from coaching - Confidence, Self belief and more!

I followed Rebecca on Instagram and she became a familiar face on the school run. I felt drawn in and felt like I would be in safe hands after watching Rebecca’s videos there.I started to want to chan... ...more

Client Stories

December 12, 20232 min read

Natalie shares how she's gained so much from coaching - Confidence, Self belief and more!

5 Steps to Harness the Power of Vision Boarding to feel Empowered & Excited for 2024

In this video I talk you through the 5 steps that make a Vision Board really Powerful.They are: Dream, Define, Detail, Dedicate, Document.I hope the video encourages you to create a Vision Board of yo... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

December 09, 20231 min read

5 Steps to Harness the Power of Vision Boarding to feel Empowered & Excited for 2024

Harness the power of Vision Boarding to Feel Empowered & Excited for 2024

I've been blown away by the shifts and successes we've been celebrating in the Dream & Do Community this month.Here's what Lucie shared:"I'm in a much different place!"I'm feeling so much more Joy in ... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

December 09, 20234 min read

Harness the power of Vision Boarding to Feel Empowered & Excited for 2024

Ten Tips to Be Sure you Enjoy Christmas too!

I don't believe Christmas is just for the Kids. And I think Dad's should be involved in their fair share of organising it too. So here's ten tips to help you enjoy it as much as everyone else does. Ti... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

November 21, 20237 min read

Ten Tips to Be Sure you Enjoy Christmas too!

How Coaching has helped Sarah - Her Story

When I first found Rebecca I was really curious. I'd heard of coaching before, but I didn't feel at the right stage in my career or life for it to be relevant. How wrong I was! I joined a Mama Cocoon... ...more

Client Stories

October 11, 20232 min read

How Coaching has helped Sarah - Her Story

3 of the Best Ways to Support Your Mental Health

Often women come to me knowing that something is missing from their life but they don't know what or how to go about fixing it to feel more happy, confident and fulfilled. ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

October 03, 20235 min read

3 of the Best Ways to Support Your Mental Health

Feeling Discombobulated? Here's how to Get Back on Track

Feeling confused and disorientated right now is so common. So rest assured that you're not alone if you're feeling this way!I've spoken to lots of women this week and we're all feeling similar. ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

September 09, 20235 min read

Feeling Discombobulated? Here's how to Get Back on Track

Get Set for September - Top tips to take advantage of this season & get back on track

September is the perfect month to get going again as the juggle calms down a notch with the more regular routine of the school week returning. Whether you’re a Mum or not you can sense the change in ... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

August 18, 20235 min read

Get Set for September - Top tips to take advantage of this season & get back on track

8 Top Tips to make sure you enjoy the summer holidays

Some Mums feel quite anxious about the summer holiday juggle. So here's some tips to make the most of them and really enjoy them. ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

July 27, 20235 min read

8 Top Tips to make sure you enjoy the summer holidays

6 Tips to help you take some time for you so you can keep calm and enjoy the school summer holidays more

There's a lot to juggle when the kids are at home over the summer holidays. It's essential, in my opinion, to have a mini self care plan. ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

July 27, 20236 min read

6 Tips to help you take some time for you so you can keep calm and enjoy the school summer holidays more

The secret to enjoying the school summer holidays more - it's not what you think!

The secret to enjoying the school summer holidays more is to surrender to them! Here's how. There’s 3 ways to surrender to summer so you can enjoy it to the full. ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

July 27, 20236 min read

The secret to enjoying the school summer holidays more - it's not what you think!

5 ways to Calm Anxiety and Feel like a Great Mum

It was when I became a Mum that I first felt real anxiety.Until then I'd felt stressed with work and overwhelmed by having tons of things to do as a busy working woman. But I wouldn't say that was anx... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

June 14, 20235 min read

5 ways to Calm Anxiety and Feel like a Great Mum

Finding life hard and missing all the joy?

Are you busy rushing from one thing to the next?Are you worried you're not going to get everything there is to do, done?Rushing and worrying uses up a lot of energy. And it means you don't enjoy the t... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

May 06, 20238 min read

Finding life hard and missing all the joy?

Vision Boarding your way to a Happy, Confident You!

Hands up if this is you: • There's a million things going on in your head, • Your days are so busy with all the things to do • You don't really know what makes you happy • But you know that you could ... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

April 22, 20233 min read

Vision Boarding your way to a Happy, Confident You!

Rachel: My personal journey after having my child

"I was being unkind to myself and putting a lot of pressure on myself,I remembered a time in work before maternity leave and I was so confident and so excited about the next stage. Childbirth didn't g... ...more

Client Stories

March 29, 20234 min read

Rachel: My personal journey after having my child

Charlene Bush: My personal journey after having my second child

"This time last year, I was having up to 30 seizures a day. I could barely move from the sofa/bed and I certainly couldn’t work or look after my own children. A year on and I am learning to go with th... ...more

Client Stories

March 29, 20237 min read

Charlene Bush: My personal journey after having my second child

6 steps to Master your Mum Mojo & Feel Good in Motherhood

Motherhood isn't easy!So many Mums are struggling with the juggle.💖 Do you set yourself too much to do in a day?💖 Do you feel like you're never on top of things?💖 Do you often feel guilty and gener... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

March 21, 20232 min read

6 steps to Master your Mum Mojo & Feel Good in Motherhood

Find out how we celebrated International Women's Day in the Mama Cocoon community

IWD recognises that there is power in connection and our ability to have great conversation about what's unique about us and what brings us joy.So, it seems it was meant to be that our monthly Mama Co... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

March 14, 20233 min read

Find out how we celebrated International Women's Day in the Mama Cocoon community

Self love enables you to be the Mum you want to be

It's so important to look after yourself when you're a Mum. How on earth can we look after our children and stay calm and loving towards them if we're not looking after ourselves? ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

February 12, 20235 min read

Self love enables you to be the Mum you want to be

Set yourself up for 2023 gently with the all important January pause.

Happy New Year!How are you?If you're anything like me then you're tired and have tons of things you want and need to get sorted out.Finally the kids are back in school! So you can get on with 2023 rig... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

January 05, 20234 min read

Set yourself up for 2023 gently with the all important  January pause.

Feeling shocked at how much your life has changed?

It's totally normal to feel this way. Why doesn't anyone tell us this! Imagine if a woman was encouraged to reflect on her life at the time she became a mother. How different might her experience be?... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

December 09, 20222 min read

Feeling shocked at how much your life has changed?

What to do when you are feeling like you've lost your sparkle, are angry or resentful.

The worst thing you can do is feel bad about the fact that you are struggling with negative emotions.So first of all, please know that your feelings are valid and that it is OK to not feel OK.Don't be... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

December 07, 20223 min read

What to do when you are feeling like you've lost your sparkle, are angry or resentful.

Mum guilt is considered normal. But here's how we free our minds from it....

Why is it that when we become a Mum we can suddenly start to feel guilty about almost anything?Did you know that, 68% of Mums feel "Mum guilt" at least once a day!*But is this really necessary and sho... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

December 07, 20224 min read

Mum guilt is considered normal. But here's how we free our minds from it....

How to feel like a great Mum everyday

Do you feel good about yourself as a Mum?Do you believe that all you do as a Mum is enough? Or do you worry you could do more or be better?Becoming a Mum wakes up a woman. We want to be our best self.... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

July 19, 20224 min read

How to feel like a great Mum everyday

How to feel less taken for granted & more valued as a Mum

Motherhood is the greatest role in the world and it's time we valued it and ourselves more. ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

July 17, 20224 min read

How to feel less taken for granted & more valued as a Mum

Why we’re set up to feel not good enough as Mums!

I came into motherhood wanting to give it my all.It had taken me a long time to become a Mum and finally I was. I was super excited and determined I was going to be a great Mum. ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

June 28, 20223 min read

Why we’re set up to feel not good enough as Mums!

It takes a village to raise a child. So here's how you can find yours.

Motherhood is hard as well as amazing.Please know that it is valid to feel that it is both. You can feel so alone in it all. It feels a lot because we care so much about whether we're doing a good eno... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

May 12, 20226 min read

It takes a village to raise a child. So here's how you can find yours.

"I should be able to do it!" as I don't work right now

We all carry beliefs and expectations about what it means to be a good Mum.Because you choose to stay at home with your children right now does not mean that you don't need time to be you and refresh ... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

April 07, 20221 min read

"I should be able to do it!" as I don't work right now

Becoming Mum, giving birth is just the start!

Motherhood is a lot! There's this concept that isn't talked about enough. It's called Matrescence. Matrescence is the transition we go through to become a Mum. ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

February 19, 20222 min read

Becoming Mum, giving birth is just the start!

© 2023 Rebecca Hogan Coaching