Find Your Me in Motherhood

Ready to work out who you are now?

When you become a Mum you feel called to give your all to motherhood. But you also feel pulled to be your pre-Mum self too.​

It's normal to feel this way. You're finding your way through a huge identity shift.

It's called Matrescence.

​It's a complete transformation of your physical, emotional, economic, social world. It's a lot!

I've been there and really understand how you’re feeling right now. Work through your matrescence and create a life you love.

  • Work out what you value and what you want from life now you're a Mum

  • Decide what you need to feel like a woman in your own right and how to achieve it

  • Discover how to nurture and nourish yourself and be a great Mum too​

  • Transform your mindset to think more positively and trust your intuition

  • Understand how you and your family can support each other and thrive

  • Confidently, easily and joyfully go about your day to day life

  • Become the calm, confident, happy Mum you aspire to be

I didn't find it easy being a stay at home Mum. After fertility struggles I expected life to be amazing. I was finally a Mum!​

My daughter was full of fun and life but I felt so split.​​

Sometimes I felt really anxious that I wasn't doing a good enough job (Oh the Mum guilt!). And at other times I felt a strong pull to get back to the me I was before I became Mum.​

Once I discovered Matrescence, the split I felt finally made sense. ​

It's such a passion and a privilege to share my knowledge of Matrescence. I love to help Mums find their own way through it so they can enjoy motherhood as much as I do now!

A typical outline for the 12 weeks is as follows but it can vary depending on what comes up for you during the programme:

Week 1 - 2:

Clarity of your situation, how you feel right now and how you want to feel at the end of the programme.

Week 3 - 4:

You'll think about your values, your relationships, and everything else now you're a Mum and how you can maintain and improve them. We'll also talk about your communication style and how to keep life harmonious and high vibe.

Week 5 - 6:

You'll identify worries, fears, thoughts and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from where you want to get to. Some you may already be aware of at this stage and others will be uncovered from your subconscious so will bring about insightful realisations.

Week 7 - 8:

Transformation stage - A combination of coaching techniques and exercises will be decided upon based on you as an individual. These will range from creating empowering beliefs, working on positive thoughts and/or a gratitude attitude, using NLP reframing and re-imprinting techniques, inner child work and others as required.

You’ll experience inner shifts and create empowering beliefs. You'll feel empowered to move forwards and create an action plan of what you need to do to meet your goals of where you'd like to get and how you want to feel.

Week 9 - 10:

Your feminine Self - You’ll be guided through practical action planning and spiritual practices to help you embrace your femininity and learn to work with your natural energy peaks and flows. You’ll learn about inspired action and how to trust your instinct and make decisions more confidently.

Week 11 - 12:

Reinforcing the Transformation. Here we'll review how far you’ve come already and the steps you need to take to maintain the changes you've made so far and a plan for you to achieve anything else that's needed to achieve your goals.

What's the investment?

12 online one to one coaching sessions of 60 minutes with email and/or direct message support.

Total cost £1,500

A payment plan of £250 a month for 6 months is available.

87% of mothers feel guilty at some point, with 21% feeling this way most or all of the time.


Ready to work out what you want now you're a Mum?

Book a free discovery call now. We can have a chat to see if coaching is right for you and if we'd make a good coaching partnership.​

I love connecting with other Mums, and I look forward to connecting with you!

"I found my sessions with Rebecca extremely helpful and I had some big realisations during our time working together.

Rebecca's approach is gentle and kind, asking the right questions and making me reflect about my thoughts and emotions. She gave me some useful tips and tangible things to work on in between our sessions, which was very helpful indeed. ​

FRAN, Mum of twins

This 12 week programme is right for you if you're feeling the:

  • Loss of your old, pre kid, fun self​

  • Responsibility of parenting is getting you down

  • Daily decision making and juggling is draining you

  • Lack of me-time is making you feel resentful

  • Tiredness and irritability is damaging your relationships

It's not right for you if you're:

  • Completely happy with your current life

  • Your lifestyle feels perfectly balanced

  • Confident decision making means life feels easy

  • You are taking plenty of time out for you

  • You have positive thoughts and a healthy mindset

  • You feel calm, fun and happy each day

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time do I need to commit to this coaching programme?

Coaching helps you work out what is really important to you so that you can confidently stop doing the things that aren’t.

So it will actually help you get time back to do more of the things you love.

I advise you finding a set time of a minimum of one hour each week to listen to the video and complete the worksheets.

You'll also need to book two one to one calls with me. I work school hours plus 2 evenings and some Saturday mornings too to ensure we can find a time that works for you.

How do I justify spending time and money on myself?

If you're struggling and not enjoying motherhood, then can you afford not to.

You need to take care of yourself so that you have the physical and emotional energy to take care of your family.

Your family will benefit from the clarity and improved mood and happiness you will get from coaching.

You'll be a more present and patient Mum if you find time to support yourself as well as your family.

I need some me time but I’m nervous of change and the chaos it may cause

As part of coaching you will work out what you and your family need and how you can implement that in day to day family life.

It will become clear how things can work best for you and your family.

As part of that you’ll work out how you can find the balance and take some time and space out of the day for you.

I need some me time but I’m nervous of change and the chaos it may cause

As this is an online programme you can access it and work on it when it suits you best.

For your one to one calls we can agree on a time that works for both of us, including the option for an evening or a Saturday morning.

Do I receive any support in between the sessions?

You can contact me via voxer or email. I will access both daily so I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Can I cancel if I don't see the benefits?

As you have access to all the course contents on receipt of your payment and coaching relies on you being committed and doing the work on yourself by taking inspired action each week I can't issue a full refund I'm afraid.

How much time do I need to commit to this coaching programme?

Coaching helps you work out what is really important to you so that you can confidently stop doing the things that aren’t. So it will actually help you get time back to do more of the things you love.

I advise you finding a set time of a minimum of one hour each week to listen to the video and complete the worksheets.

You'll also need to book two one to one calls with me. I work school hours plus 2 evenings and some saturday mornings too to ensure we can find a time that works for you.

How do I justify spending time and money on myself?

If you're struggling and not enjoying motherhood, then can you afford not to.

You need to take care of yourself so that you have the physical and emotional energy to take care of your family.

Your family will benefit from the clarity and improved mood and happiness you will get from coaching.

You'll be a more present and patient Mum if you find time to support yourself as well as your family.

I need some me time but I’m nervous of change and the chaos it may cause

As part of coaching you will work out what you and your family need and how you can implement that in day to day family life.

It will become clear how things can work best for you and your family.

As part of that you’ll work out how you can find the balance and take some time and space out of the day for you.

What if I can't make one or more sessions?

As this is an online programme you can access it and work on it when it suits you best. For your one to one calls we can agree on a time that works for both of us, including the option for an evening or a Saturday morning.

Do I receive any support in between the sessions?

You can contact me via voxer or email. I will access both daily so I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Can I cancel if I don't see the benefits?

As you have access to all the course contents on receipt of your payment and coaching relies on you being committed and doing the work on yourself by taking inspired action each week I can't issue a full refund I'm afraid.

How much time do I need to commit to this coaching programme?

Coaching helps you work out what is really important to you so that you can confidently stop doing the things that aren’t. So it will actually help you get time back to do more of the things you love.

I advise you finding a set time of a minimum of one hour each week to listen to the video and complete the worksheets.

You'll also need to book two one to one calls with me. I work school hours plus 2 evenings and some saturday mornings too to ensure we can find a time that works for you.

How do I justify spending time and money on myself?

If you're struggling and not enjoying motherhood, then can you afford not to.

You need to take care of yourself so that you have the physical and emotional energy to take care of your family.

Your family will benefit from the clarity and improved mood and happiness you will get from coaching.

You'll be a more present and patient Mum if you find time to support yourself as well as your family.

I need some me time but I’m nervous of change and the chaos it may cause

As part of coaching you will work out what you and your family need and how you can implement that in day to day family life.

It will become clear how things can work best for you and your family.

As part of that you’ll work out how you can find the balance and take some time and space out of the day for you.

What if I can't make one or more sessions?

As this is an online programme you can access it and work on it when it suits you best.

For your one to one calls we can agree on a time that works for both of us, including the option for an evening or a Saturday morning.

Do I receive any support in between the sessions?

You can contact me via voxer or email. I will access both daily so I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Can I cancel if I don't see the benefits?

As you have access to all the course contents on receipt of your payment and coaching relies on you being committed and doing the work on yourself by taking inspired action each week I can't issue a full refund I'm afraid.

© 2023 Rebecca Hogan Coaching