5 Steps to Harness the Power of Vision Boarding to feel Empowered & Excited for 2024

December 09, 20231 min read

In this video I talk you through the 5 steps that make a Vision Board really Powerful.

They are:

Dream, Define, Detail, Dedicate, Document.

I hope the video encourages you to create a Vision Board of your own.

And I'd love to support you to make it true to you and your passions and purpose by welcoming you on board my Vision Board Course.

You can find out more about it here.

You can read about others success from Vision Boarding via my course and community in the Client Stories section of my blog here.

If you'd like to know more about the science behind Vision Boarding first, please visit my blog post here.

And finally, do feel free to get in touch if you'd like to chat more about how coaching and which course could most help you. You can book a free call here.

Here's to starting 2024 feeling Excited and Empowered!



Let's harness the power of your mind and make your 2024 amazing!

Check out my Vision Board Course here

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