Find Your ME in Motherhood

Ready to start enjoying life more than you are now?

This mini course will help you to to get clear on what you need to feel happy, calm, confident and your best self again!

Start taking some time out for you

I'll help you to get clear on what matters most, carve some time out for you to nurture and nourish yourself in ways that feel good to you and fit in with your life as a Mum .

For just £47 you can find out how to

Find your ME in Motherhood &
43% of mothers reported feeling completely burnt out during the pandemic in March of 2021 and 38% reported feeling the same way in March of 2022.
Stay-at-home mothers reported even higher levels of burnout with 55% reporting they “always” or “frequently” feel burnt out)
​ Motherly’s 2022 State of Motherhood Survey Report, April 2022
  • Fed up of waking up feeling anxious, overwhelmed, tired or out of sorts

  • A need to have a bit more time and space to yourself

  • Unsure what you can fit in right now or what to do about it

  • You want to get your sparkle back and feel your best self again

Let me help you

Join the Find Your Me in Motherhood mini course

  • Get really clear on how you feel and why

  • Spend some time thinking about how you want to feel and why that's important to your family too.

  • Discover how to nurture and nourish yourself in ways that fit in with your life as a Mum

  • Be inspired and get motivated to make your "Me Time" happen regularly

  • Work through the course in your own time with encouragement from me along the way

  • Join the monthly call to share your thoughts, experiences, get help & celebrate your success

I didn't find it easy being a stay at home Mum. After fertility struggles I expected life to be amazing. I was finally a Mum!

My daughter was full of fun and life but I felt it wasn't enough. At times I was anxious that I wasn't doing a good enough job (Oh the Mum guilt!). But at other times I felt lonely. I wanted more.​

I realised I needed more quality time to myself and to have quality time with other adults, particularly other women too.​

And now, as a life coach and women's circle facilitator, I get to help other woman to enjoy life and motherhood as much as I do now!

Be guided, supported and inspired through a self paced course containing videos and workbooks that empower you to Find Your Me in Motherhood

Work out how to get your life back but better (GYLBBB) by carving some time out for you as well as being a great Mum too.

Online resources
You get access to an online website which hosts all the videos and worksheets so you can access them anytime.

I encourage you to share your thoughts and findings with me via the online forms I supply so that I can send you some encouragement and assistance.

Online Group Calls
You'll have access to the monthly group calls which take place on zoom on the 1st of the month at 8-9pm, (every month apart from 1st Jan or 1st August).
These are held f or you to connect with other women on the course by sharing where you are with the course. You can ask any questions you have, get some support, share how you're feeling and also celebrate your success and how you've benefitted from it.
So you can join at any time, whatever stage of motherhood you are in. Whether you have little ones or grown up kids leaving home I know this can help you find what you need to feel good right now.
I would love to welcome you onto the course right now.
I'm so excited to share this with you

"I found my sessions with Rebecca extremely helpful and I had some big realisations during our time working together.

Rebecca's approach is gentle and kind, asking the right questions and making me reflect on my thoughts and emotions. She gave me some useful tips and tangible things to work on in between our sessions, which was very helpful indeed. ​

FRAN, Mum of twins

This mini course is perfect for you if you're feeling the:

Loss of your old, pre kid, sparkly self ​

✔ Responsibility of parenting is wearing you out

✔ There's no time for you

✔ Tiredness and irritability is damaging your relationships with your kids & your partner

This bundle is ideal for you if you're feeling:

Completely happy with your current life

✔ Your lifestyle feels perfectly balanced

✔ You are taking plenty of time out for you

✔ You feel calm, fun and happy each day

You get access to:

Find Your Me in Motherhood videos and worksheets accessible 24/7 online.

​Monthly group call on Zoom

​Bonuses If you sign up by 22nd Jan

A one to one call with me to help you get the most out of the course

A relaxation meditation and a future you visualisation

Only £47

Book a free discovery call

Want to know how I can help you personally and if this course is right for you?​

I'd love to find out more about you and answer any questions you have.

© 2023 Rebecca Hogan Coaching