I know how it feels when life gets too busy and you struggle to find time for you, whilst you're doing all you can caring for everyone else. You can feel so bogged down by all the responsibilities and the mental load of motherhood that you lose yourself. Which means you start to find it hard to see or feel all the joy in your life!​​

I struggled to understand why I was feeling so grumpy when I was a new Mum. It was all that I'd wanted for so long. So I wondered what was wrong with me to feel this way!

I started looking into how I could feel better and enjoy life more. I found life coaching and loved it so I completed my training and I'm so glad I did. It opened my mind to a whole new way of seeing the world and myself.​

It's such a passion and a privilege to share what I've learnt with other women, so they can find their own way to feel super happy in life now. And get as excited for their future as I do now!​

If this speaks to you and you'd like to know more about how I work with Mums, my free guide to Master your Mojo is a good place to start. You can download it for free here

​If you're not a Mum but are navigating a change in what you do and how you feel about your life, check out my Vision Board course here​

Talk soon,

© 2023 Rebecca Hogan Coaching