What to DO Now you have your Vision Board:

✨ Look at your board as often as you can

Find a place/s to put it so that you see it regularly through the day as that sets your subconscious mind to work. It becomes so familiar and easy to take steps towards it.

✨ Use Visualisation to bring your vision board to life and ensure you believe it can all happen for you.

There's the one included in the online course or you can find others free on places like Insight Timer.

✨ Journaling helps you get clear on your Why and what it means to you for your dreams to come true.

Tuning into how you'll feel when you have what you want to Be, Do & Have is a powerful way to set your mind to make it all happen for you.

✨ Create a Plan

Start writing down what you need to do to make things happen.

How can you get started?

✨ Be Aware of what gets in your way

Notice negative thoughts so you can overcome them and be aware of patterns of behaviour that make it difficult for you to make headway on achieving your goals and intentions

✨ Catch up regularly with other likeminded women to be guided and supported to make progress

We're all so busy it can be far too easy to let our dreams and goals go by the wayside.

Life is too short to not move forward with our Dreams!

You've got this far so I'd love to continue to support you to do all of the above and more.

Join the Dream & Do Community

Be encouraged, inspired, celebrate and support each other to move forwards with your goals & Dreams.

Community is so powerful. We egg each other on so it's a great motivator and you can always ask for help too. Join us to ensure you achieve all you set out to and more here

I know how it feels when life gets too much!

To feel so bogged down by all the responsibilities you have that it's hard to see or feel the joy in life!​​

I've always been determined not to get stuck in a rut of feeling this way. So when I became a Mum and I found myself feeling grumpy and resentful more often than I liked I decided to follow my passion for understanding myself and other people.

I became a life coach and I'm so glad I did.​​It opened up a whole new way of seeing the world and myself and it's such a passion and a privilege to share my knowledge with other women so they can find their own way to enjoy life more and to feel as happy, fulfilled and successful as I do now!​

My free guide to Master your Mojo
is a good place to start. You can download it for free here

Talk soon,

© 2023 Rebecca Hogan Coaching