Life can feel a lot! You can easily get bogged down in it all!

It's no fun feeling like you can't get on top of all you need and want to do.

Spending your days feeling anxious, not good enough and not enjoying life to the full is such a waste!

I'm here to help you to sit down at the end of the day and feel really good about your day, your life and yourself. So you can feel happy, fulfilled and successful and know how best to use your time and energy each day.

I'd love to help you navigate all you're feeling and why and guide you to work out what you need to do to feel more joy.

6 Steps to Master your Mojo

Life can feel overwhelming and all too

much. Let me help you enjoy it more!

I know how it feels when life gets too much! To feel so bogged down by all the responsibilities you have that it's hard to see or feel the joy!​

But I was determined not to go through life feeling sad, grumpy and resentful. I'd always been into psychology and self development. So I decided to become a life coach and I'm so glad I did.

​It opened up a whole new way of seeing the world and myself and it's such a passion and a privilege to share my knowledge with other women so they can find their own way to enjoy life more and to feel as happy, fulfilled and successful as I do now!

Vision Board
Course & Workshops

Envision the life you'd love to live & bring it into your reality

Be encouraged and guided through the steps to Be, Do & Have what you want and need

Hybrid Course

Free To Be Me

3 month course

For Mums who are ready to Find

themselves again & Feel ALIVE!

Discover Your New Future You!

1:1 Signature Programme

Find your way forward

Navigate shifts in your identity,

Life stage or Lifestyle.

Personalised Coaching to guide you to Feel your Best Self

How to get over your working Mum Guilt

Here’s my Top Tips on how to ditch the working Mum guilt so you can enjoy the summer with your children. ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

July 11, 20244 min read

How to get over your working Mum Guilt

What is Genuine Self Care and how do you fit it in!

Life is so busy! It's easy to find you and the things you love to do have gone to the bottom of your To Do list. In fact it's super common for Mums to find they've fallen off their lists entirely!It's... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

March 22, 20246 min read

What is Genuine Self Care and how do you fit it in!

5 Steps to Harness the Power of Vision Boarding to feel Empowered & Excited for 2024

In this video I talk you through the 5 steps that make a Vision Board really Powerful.They are: Dream, Define, Detail, Dedicate, Document.I hope the video encourages you to create a Vision Board of yo... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

December 09, 20231 min read

5 Steps to Harness the Power of Vision Boarding to feel Empowered & Excited for 2024

Harness the power of Vision Boarding to Feel Empowered & Excited for 2024

I've been blown away by the shifts and successes we've been celebrating in the Dream & Do Community this month.Here's what Lucie shared:"I'm in a much different place!"I'm feeling so much more Joy in ... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

December 09, 20234 min read

Harness the power of Vision Boarding to Feel Empowered & Excited for 2024

How to get over your working Mum Guilt

Here’s my Top Tips on how to ditch the working Mum guilt so you can enjoy the summer with your children. ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

July 11, 20244 min read

How to get over your working Mum Guilt

What is Genuine Self Care and how do you fit it in!

Life is so busy! It's easy to find you and the things you love to do have gone to the bottom of your To Do list. In fact it's super common for Mums to find they've fallen off their lists entirely!It's... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

March 22, 20246 min read

What is Genuine Self Care and how do you fit it in!

5 Steps to Harness the Power of Vision Boarding to feel Empowered & Excited for 2024

In this video I talk you through the 5 steps that make a Vision Board really Powerful.They are: Dream, Define, Detail, Dedicate, Document.I hope the video encourages you to create a Vision Board of yo... ...more

Rebecca Hogan Coaching

December 09, 20231 min read

5 Steps to Harness the Power of Vision Boarding to feel Empowered & Excited for 2024

© 2023 Rebecca Hogan Coaching